All of our monitors were selected to work the best with our hardware and software. A common misconception is that widescreen monitors are better then standard ratio units. In the surveillance business this in not necessarily true.

Our cameras capture all data in the standard aspect ratio of 4:3. In order to receive the best picture you must not force the display to squash the image in order to compensate for the widescreen monitor.

That being said we offer excellent 4:3 LCD monitors to view all activity using our surveillance systems.

Another reason we have chosen to use the 4:3 aspect ratio is to save you money. Why spend more money to make the image look less attractive?

Although we highly recommend using a standard 4:3 aspect ratio monitor the choice and preference is entirely up to you.

Make sure to check out the "Budget Pro" package in our packages link to the left. In this package we offer what we consider to be the best combination of hardware you can use with our systems.

Upgrades are available for all of our components so please don't hesitate to call us with any questions.